ESRI World Streetmap

This worldwide street map presents highway-level data for the world down to ~1:72k. Street-level data down to ~1:4k includes the United States; most of Canada; Japan; most countries in Europe; much of Russia; Australia and New Zealand; India; most of the Middle East; Pacific Island nations; South America; Central America; and Africa. Coverage in select urban areas is provided down to ~1:2k and ~1:1k. Full coverage at ~1:2k and ~1:1k is available in the contiguous United States, Hawaii, and India.

This comprehensive street map includes highways, major roads, minor roads, one-way arrow indicators, railways, water features, cities, parks, landmarks, building footprints, and administrative boundaries, overlaid on shaded relief for added context. Alignment of boundaries is a presentation of the feature provided by our data vendors and does not imply endorsement by Esri or any governing authority.

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